söndag 5 april 2009

To feel loved and secure

Since I have two kids of my own, this is a very interesting question for me! As a parent I see possible dangers everywhere in society, no matter how hard I try to think in a positive way. If we go back a couple of years, let´s say 10 years or more, we can see that the world was much more kindhearted than nowadays. Because today it seems to be no limits of what other kids and adults can do to harm innocent children. We all have to keep an eye on what happens around us, and react in time.

A very easy rule to remember, is to think that children don´t do what we tell them to do, they do as we do. We have to be good models to them. Ever since the child is a baby it uses us adults as a mirror. They can immediately see how we react in different situations. As we are human beings, these memories are deeply rooted in our consiousness. For example, let´s think about a little girl who´s being in a rebellious age. One day when she is told to pick up her toys she refuses and start screaming and throws toys all around her in the room. Her father has had a lousy day at work and is in a bad mood. He loses his temper and instead of acting in a calm and pedagogical way he grabs her arm and locks her up in her room. This makes her terrified of her own father. Such outbursts from her father, which perhaps happens several times, can mentally make her feel unsafe for the rest of her life, and bring her back to her childhood.

My conclusion from this hypothetical situation is, that we as adults have to do our best to set a good example and show how to act in daily situations, i.e. not in the way the father in this example reacts. Such a child will have a good reference of how to bring up their own kids in the future. But if we raise them in an insecure way they´ll probably transfer this method of upbringing with lack of love and security.

I also believe that teachers in school have a very important mission in their powerful position. They serve both as a model and yet have to set bounds. It´s important to give each and every student the magic instrument which they´ll need to grow as individual personalities throughout their lifes. All adults must be aware of that!

To summarize:
We must have in mind that it is a difficult and affectionate job to raise a child. Even if we are adults with a lot of experiences, we often make mistakes while we are trying to make them see the difference between right and wrong. The main conclusion is that we, exactly like our children do, are learning from our mistakes and try our best not to repeat them. To feel loved and secure is the best start in life, whether we are rich or poor.

3 kommentarer:

  1. I read in your personal presentation that this is the first time in 10 years that you've studied. I would certainly never have guessed that from reading your blog text. It is very well written and balanced. As always, I have a few suggestions as well:

    The structure is clear and lucid. Your paragraphs are unified and your conclusion is excellent. The only improvement I would like to suggest is to work a bit more on a thesis statement - a one-sentence summary of the argument of the entire text.

    Your language is idiomatic and largely accurate - well done! You use many unusual words and phrases elegantly and correctly. But I also have some suggestions:

    -The difference between "it" and "there" is especially tricky for Swedish learners of English. The grammatical explanation is that "there" is used when the extraposed subject is a noun phrase - but that is quite a difficult explanation. A more useful rule of thumb is to use "there" whenever you can say "det finns" in Swedish. Hence: "There seems to be no limit to what other kids and adults can do..." (Introduction).

    -There should never be a comma between the subject and the verb (first sentence, 2nd paragraph).

    -Subject-verb agreement! I would suggest: "One day when she is told to pick up her toys she refuses and starts screaming and throwing toys all around..." (paragraph 2). Another example can be found in the final sentence of that paragraph.

    -Spelling! "Their lives" is correct (paragraph 3).

    -There should be no line break after "To summarize" in the conclusion.

    -I'm not quite sure what you mean by "affectionate job".

    Keep it up!

  2. Your text about "childhood memories" is well done. The structure is clear, with a red line to follow. It is also easy to read and I understand what you wanted to say. You also use different sentence structures and you have a good vocabulary.
    The only thing I missed is a more foundated point of view. All in all, there is only one example, which is drawn through the whole text.

    Greetings, Jule

  3. It´s difficult to say something more after the teacher, but here we go. In the first paragraph you should define a general idea for the reader. The reasons you give are clear and perfectly defined in paragraphs. The conclusion is also clear and easy to understand. I think you´ve done a nice job here.
